Live births in Canada

Statistics Canada released preliminary data for births in Canada, except Yukon, on Tuesday.

In 2020, there were 358,604 live births in Canada, excluding Yukon. There were 13,434 fewer births in 2020 than in 2019 (372,038), the greatest year-over-year decrease (3.6%) and the lowest number of births in any year since 2006. The decline from 2019 to 2020 was observed in every province and territory in Canada.

December 2020 had the lowest monthly total in the last five years, While it’s tempting to attribute the low number to social distancing, it may in part be the result of incomplete data from Manitoba.

Similar to previous years, the proportion of boys (51.4%) was slightly higher than the proportion of girls (48.6%).
During the pandemic, a small but increasing proportion of births are occurring outside hospitals.

FreeBMD’s 2nd September update

The FreeBMD Database was updated on Friday 24 September 2021 to contain 281,999,667 unique entries, increased from 281,699,329 at the previous update.

Years with changes of more than 10,000 records since the last update are: for births 1886-87, 1990-91; for marriages 1986-91; for deaths 1988-90.

This Week’s Online Genealogy Events

Choose from free online events in the next five days. All times are ET except as noted. Those in red are Canadian, bolded if local to Ottawa or recommended

Assume registration in advance is required; check so you’re not disappointed.

Tuesday 28 Sept is British Home Child Day (Canada)


Tuesday 28 Sept, 2 pm: Virtual Genealogy Drop-In, from Ottawa Branch of OGS and The Ottawa Public Library.

Tuesday 28 Sept, 2 pm: The new and improved Legacy Family Tree Webinars website, by Geoff Rasmussen for Legacy Family Tree Webinars.

Tuesday 28 Sept, 2:30 pm: Creating Your Family Photo Archive, by Elizabeth Hodges for Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center.

Tuesday 28 Sept, 7:00 pm: A Vision for Ontario Ancestors, Ontario Genealogical Society, by Heather McTavish Taylor for Wellington County Branch OGS.

Wednesday 29 Sept, 11 am: North American Q&A with Jen Baldwin for Findmypast.

Wednesday 29 Sept, 2 pm: Beginning Ukrainian Genealogy, by Michelle Chubenko for Legacy Family Tree Webinars.

Thursday 30 Sept, 6:30 pm: Finding Ancestors Without Going in Circles: – The WANDER Research Method, by Amy Johnson Crow for Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center.

Friday 1 Oct, 2pm: Born a Slave: Rediscovering Arthur Jackson’s African American Heritage, by David W. Jackson for Legacy Family Tree Webinars.

QFHS Fall Seminar: live and in person!

Saturday, 2 October
Fall Seminar At The Heritage Centre  (Seminars)
153 Rue Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, (Simon Fraser House)

Everyone welcome. PLEASE BRING A MASK!
Cost: $25. Payment options – online (click here) or by cheque (click here for address).
Your payment will be your reservation.  Space for this seminar is limited.
The Presentations:

10:00 to 11:00 – Ancestry: how to use most effectively all the wonderful databases on the largest commercial genealogical website in the world. With Gary Schoder
11:00 to 12:00 – “Dit” names in Quebec: why are French Canadians known sometimes by two different surnames? With Dr. Luc Lepine
1:00 pm to 2:00 pm –  Genealogy Quebec: how to use the most important website for Quebec genealogical research. With Gary Schoder
2:00 pm to 3:00 pm – Seigneurial Records in Quebec: if your ancestors lived in Quebec from the 17th to the 19th centuries, many would have lived in a Seigniory. Learn how to use and find Seigneurial records in Quebec. With Dr. Luc Lepine

Military Monday: the missing soldier

A post from the Commonwealth War Graves Commission reported burial services held in the Somme and Pas de Calais regions of France between 21 and 23 September for 13 unknown soldiers who lost their lives during World War One.

Sadly, “Despite extensive research carried out by the JCCC, none of the 13 men could be identified.” The JCCC is the UK Ministry of Defence Joint Casualty and Compassionate Centre.

These days DNA is being recovered from human remains hundreds and thousands of years old. I wondered about the extent of the “extensive research.” 

The 2019 article Searching for the Missing Soldier: Identifying casualties from the First World War mentions an examination of 27 sets of human remains of WWI British casualties over a four-year period from twelve different sites across Belgium and northern France. There was a 100% success rate for the testing of hypervariable I and II markers of the control region of the mitochondrial genome and a 96% success rate of Y STR markers using Y23 obtaining profiles suitable for comparison. DNA identification was successful in identifying 10 of the 27 cases. The main challenging aspect with WWI identifications is the familial distance between the soldier who died in World War I and the relatives who are alive today.

Now there must have been considerable progress on DNA extraction and analysis since that research. Were others, besides the 13 mentioned in the CWGC release, found in the same time period who were identified? How sophisticated are present-day DNA techniques being used for missing soldier identification?

Why would we ever go back?

The BIFHSGO conference is over, and what a success! Over 400 registrants and, judging by the geographic distribution of prizewinners, from far and wide. Quality presentations. Those involved in the organization and staging of the week of presentations and other events each deserve our thanks.

There are so many good things about an online conference I question why organizers would ever go back to in-person events. Having been involved in organizing several conferences here are the pros for online:

    1. There’s no complaining about the food. That’s often the #1 comment about a conference.
    2. There’s no complaining about a presenter repeating the same material at different times. That gets especially annoying when you pay for a special pre-conference event and then hear the same thing later during the conference.
    3. You can get a wider variety of presentations and presenters, meaning the possibility of covering niche topics.
    4. No parallel sessions, or if there are recordings available.
    5. There’s no need for on-site time-critical logistical operations like signs, registration, security — and food.
    6. There’s no cost and no GHG emissions from flying speakers long distances.
    7. Attendees from a distance incur no travel, food and accommodation costs.
    8. There’s less chance of the event being disrupted by a power cut or natural hazards, like a tornado or earthquake.

Can you think of any cons? I can; they pale in comparison.

That said, having broken the old mould I hope BIFHSGO remains open to other changes. Instead of one major conference perhaps a series of one-day mini-conferences. BIFHSGO will be sending a feedback form later in the week, Please respond, and in the meantime, you can add comments to this post.


Ancestry adds Index Records for Shropshire Parish BMBs

Find over 5 million new entries in Ancestry’s Shropshire Church of England parish titles.

Title Records
Shropshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812 2,668,055
Shropshire, England, Church of England Births and Baptisms, 1813-1900 1,469,334
Shropshire, England, Church of England Marriages and Banns, 1754-1901 555,737
Shropshire, England, Church of England Deaths and Burials, 1813-1900 319,358

These are index records, no images of the original record, created from Anglican Parish Registers held at Shropshire Archives in Shrewsbury.

Findmypast has a Shropshire parish collection and it includes links to images of the original. Interestingly it has about half as many records! The Shropshire Archives refer to their “wonderful colour images.”

MyHeritage has scattered records for individual Shropshire parishes.

TheGenealogist has records for 147 and FreeReg for 42 Shropshire parishes.

Today at the BIFHSGO Conference

12:00 – 13:30      Seeking the Primrose Girls, 50 Irish immigrants to Canada from a Small Galway Town
with Martin Curley

Martin will describe The Mountbellew Orphan Girls Project—the Primrose Girls, which is research on a group of workhouse orphan girls who were sent to Canada from Mountbellew, Co. Galway, as part of an assisted emigration scheme. On 16 July 1853, they sailed on the Primrose from Limerick, Ireland to Quebec, Canada, arriving on the 6th of September. The girls’ passage was paid for by the Workhouse Board of Guardians as part of the same scheme which earlier had sent girls to Australia. In Quebec they were taken in charge by the Emigration Agent at the port, A.C. Buchanan, and sent to Toronto and Hamilton, where immediate employment opportunities were available. Through DNA and research the researchers are hoping to reconnect the girls to their families with whom contact was lost 170 years ago.

14:00 – 15:30      Finding the Poor and Destitute Irish
with Brian Donovan

Poor relief, dispensed by the church, the state or private charities, was available in Ireland at almost all time periods. The poor relief records have left information about millions of impoverished people from all over the country. Often these records date from before the Great Famine (1845–52) with information unavailable anywhere else. Given that the poor Irish were the most likely to migrate to America, these records are an essential resource for Irish research, and Brian will explain how best to get the benefit of their information.

16:00 – 17:30      Hunting Through Matches
with Mia Bennett

In this talk, Mia aims to help you identify who your DNA matches are and hence where they fit within your family tree. Often people are faced with just a list of names and no idea how to make them useful in expanding their family tree. Mia will present various hints, tips, tools and techniques to help make each match useful. The talk will cover many aspects: known people; tools to identify common ancestors; approaching a new match; grouping matches; dealing with matches where only limited information is provided; identifying overlapping trees; building quick and dirty trees; searching for surnames and places; and keeping records. Mia will also explain potential pitfalls of some of the tools and techniques. The talk assumes that the audience is familiar with traditional family history research.

Sunday Sundries

Miscellaneous items I found of interest during the week.

Jigsaw: Animal Farm

Gresham College Lectures
A new season of lectures has started online with something for everyone.

Debrett’s goes digital
Nobility in the family history? Me neither! For 0.2% of the British population since 1769 there’s Debrett’s Peerage & Baronetage.

A Dataset of Cryptic Crossword Clues

This past week Ancestry updated eight of their Netherlands databases.

That Moment in Time
If this Sunday’s list looks a bit thin take a look at Crissouli’s weekly compilation.

Thanks to this week’s contributors. Anonymous, Basil Adam, Dena, Donna, Hugh Reekie, KAYTHEGARDENER, Maureen, Nancy Frey, Penny, rob bennie, Sheila, Teresa, Unknown.

Today at the BIFHSGO Conference

10:00 – 11:30     Exhibitor Connect

An opportunity for participants can visit breakout rooms hosted by conference exhibitors to learn more about their products and services.

12:00 – 13:30      Church and State: Ireland’s Vital Records
 with Chris Paton

In this session Chris will explore how to locate ancestors in Ireland using the civil registration records of births, marriages and deaths from 1845 and 1864 onwards, both online and in Ireland itself, as held at both the GROI in Roscommon and the GRONI in Belfast. It will examine what the records contain, how they may assist with research, and how they may be located online and offline via the platforms of the respective General Register Offices and government platforms, north and south. Chris will then look at the various church denominations in Ireland, how they were structured, and the types of records they kept. He will explain how to locate surviving material, to equally identify what has not survived (and why), and to understand where Protestant and Catholic Ireland occasionally overlapped, with the role of the Church of Ireland as the state church.

14:00 – 15:30      Forgotten Women: Researching the Marginalised Women on your Family Tree
with Janet Few

Even without meaning to, family historians often focus on the men on their family tree. It is usually the men who carry on the surname, who join the armed forces and who are more likely to write wills, to vote or to rent property, thereby leaving a trail in the documentary record. Merely by virtue of her gender, a female ancestor can become overlooked, and some women are even further on the margins than others. If we, as genealogists, do not research their lives and preserve their memories, who will? In this presentation Janet will use a series of case studies to describe the sources available to research the women who spent time in workhouses or asylums, the mothers of illegitimate children, prostitutes and those accused of witchcraft, amongst others.

16:00 – 17:30      The Irish DNA Atlas Project
with Edmund Gilbert

The extent of population structure within Ireland is largely unknown, as is the impact of historical migrations. Dr. Gilbert participated in a study of the Irish DNA Atlas, a dataset about a DNA cohort of individuals with four generations of ancestry linked to specific regions in Ireland. In this talk Dr. Gilbert will present the results of analyzing the genetic profiles of such individuals together with their genealogical profiles—revealing the relationship between Irish genetics and history along with the insights the researchers gained into both subjects.

More Norfolk parish records from TheGenealogist

The following is a press release from TheGenealogist.

TheGenealogist has significantly increased their Norfolk Parish Records coverage by releasing 1,445,523 new individuals into their growing Parish Record Collection. These records, which are released in association with the Norfolk Record Office, are fully searchable and transcribed while also being linked to high-quality images making them an extremely valuable resource for researchers of this eastern part of England.

This latest addition brings the total number of individuals in the parish records for Norfolk on TheGenealogist to over 12 million. These new parish records are available as part of the Diamond Subscription at TheGenealogist and allows family historians to find the names of forebears, their parents’ forenames, the father’s occupation (where noted), and the parish that the event had taken place within. Parish records can cover from the mid 16th century up to much more recent times, as TheGenealogist’s latest feature article discovers when it finds Royals sandwiched on the Parish Register page between Carpenters and Production Operatives.