Internet Genealogy Magazine: Dec 2022 – Jan 2023

15 December was the official publication date for the new issue.  Here’s editor/
publisher Ed Zapletal’s description of the contents.

Welcome to our December/January
2023 issue of Internet Genealogy. Our cover feature in this issue, Sowing Some Seeds: How to Reap a Harvest for Your Family Tree, is by regular contributor Robb Gorr. Robb lays out a five point plan based on the successful techniques used by farmers that you can use to cultivate and grow your family tree.
David A. Norris returns with his article, Genealogical Records for Buffalo Soldiers and Their Families. Buffalo soldiers were the first black soldiers serving in a permanent basis as regulars rather than volunteers. David shows that records are readily available online.
In Remedies and Cures of Yesteryear, Sue Lisk
looks at a number of websites that describe some of the types of treatments many of our ancestors and relatives would have been familiar with, and which they may have sought for themselves and other family members. In her second article, As the World Turned to Buffalo: The Pan-American Exposition, Sue looks at websites that focus on the technological, scientific, and artistic developments on display at the 1901 fair. In Genealogy 102, Joyce Waldorf shares tips from her years of experience gained while doing genealogy research. Julie Cahill Tarr returns with Watch YouTube Videos to Grow Your Genealogy Skills. There are many videos available covering a multitude of genealogy topics… check them out! Diane L. Richard is back with a look at PastPerfect Online, exploring some websites that might better be classified as catnip for genealogists! Australian Michelle Dennis is back with Researching Your Medical Ancestors, a look at the records you might find while researching 19th century ancestors who were medical practitioners. In Commonalities that Make Our Ancestors Unique, Lynn Cassity looks at how music can play a role in who we are. In Asylums: Places of Healing, But Also of Hopelessness, Wayne Shepheard explores and reveals the events surrounding his wife’s grandmother’s admittance to a mental hospital in Scotland in 1918. Also check out our book reviews… Joe Grandinetti looks at (and highly recommends) Sean Connelly’s recent release titled, ON EVERY TIDE: The Making and Remaking of the Irish World. LucyAnn Curling introduces her Volume One of four books, Curling Wisps & Whispers of History, THANET TO TASMANIA.


Unlike Julie Andrews in the Sound of Music, who “started at the very beginning, a very fine place to start”, in perusing the magazine I usually start at Dave Obee’s Back Page. This time he Searches for Genealogical Gold with a great-grandfather who dissappeared while heading to the Yukon Gold Rush.

That reminded me of my 2xgreat-grandfather who dissappeared from England. He was eventually found in the US Army in Texas during the Red River War, a period covered in the David A. Norris article, Genealogical Records for Buffalo Soldiers and Their Families. It covers some of the same records I used in exploring my ancestor’s service.

In reading Julie Cahill Tarr’s article Watch YouTube Videos to Grow Your Genealogy Skills you may reflect of the value of the advice available there on almost any topic, not just genealogy. YouTube is another rabbit hole too!

I found this issue to be particularly good for me, well worth the $19.95 for an annual subscription.


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