Sunday Sundries

Miscellaneous items I found of interest during the week.

Panic at the Library: The sinister history of fumigating “foreign” books.
If you’re wondering, has results of studies on COVID-19.

Manors and Their Records: England and Wales

8 Books That Investigate Family History with Imagination

The Bird Migration Explorer

Slavery in Britain?
Under the heading Child “Care” – 1840s’  Style The Family History Federation Really Useful Bulletin copies the following from the British Newspaper Archive, also on Find My Past.

Stamford Mercury, 30 June 1843
A few days ago, Robert Stokes, baker, at Wansford, sold one of his children, an interesting girl two years of age, for three guineas! The unfeeling parent went into the Granby public house with his child, and whilst there a dealer in drapery goods, named John Turley, made his appearance, noticed the little girl, and asked Stokes whether he would sell her. To the astonishment of all present, a bargain was struck, and the child was transferred to the hawker, an Irishman, who said he had been living for 17 years at Oundle, but was about to return to Newry, in Ireland, his native place. Turley took away his bargain immediately and conveyed her in his cart to Stamford. The news soon spread thatthe baker had sold his child, and the mother became almost frantic. The female neighbours got together and warmly remonstrated with Stokes, who, perceiving that he was not likely to be treated by them in the most agreeable manner, promised to re-purchase his child and started in pursuit for that purpose. The hawker and his wife were fortunately found at the Woolpack inn at Stamford; and although, having no children of their own, they were delighted with the little girl, and would probably have taken better care of her than Stokes had shown a disposition to do, they were prevailed upon to restore the child to her father on the return of the “purchase money”.

Thanks to this week’s contributors: Anonymous, Brenda Turner, Bruce Murduck, Gail B., Glenn Wright, Helen Gillespie, Linda Reid, Teresa, Sylvia Smith, and Unknown.

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