Library and Archives Canada Scholars

In a virtual ceremony last evening five notable Canadians who have made “an outstanding contribution to the creation and promotion of our country’s culture, literary heritage and historical knowledge” were introduced as LAC Scholars for 2020.

Margaret Atwood, Roch Carrier, Charlotte Gray, Serge Joyal, and Terry O’Reilly need no introduction here, although during the ceremony they were each introduced by 2019 LAC Scholars and you can read career outlines here. The 32-minute ceremony is available on YouTube here.  The event gets going at the 25-minute mark – unless it’s subsequently edited.

Listen carefully and you’ll hear both Margaret Atwood and Terry O’Reilly gently mention some LAC deficiencies.

One Reply to “Library and Archives Canada Scholars”

  1. Very interesting comments from Margaret Atwood and Terry O’Reilly as you highlighted. I hope someone at LAC follows up on MA’s claim that documents re Grace marks have gone missing — or misplaced? TO’Rs research, his radio show and podcasts are a real and significant contribution to Canada’s advertising history and he’s right, it is this history that should be preserved more urgently than it has been.

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