Your Genealogy Today: Sept/Oct 2021 and 25 Years

Leading off the issue Donna Potter Phillips lauds 25 years of publishing genealogy magazines from Moorshead Magazines Ltd.

Breaking Down Genealogical Brick Walls with Church Records
David A. Norris looks at church records and how they can help in getting past research roadblocks

Tell Me a Story: Sharing Your Family History Aloud
Sue Lisk suggests ideas for getting into an oral-story telling mode when the opportunity arises

Conceived Through Reconciliation: Birth of a Passion
Yvette LaGonterie embarks on a journey to uncover her Antillean roots

The Passing of The Silent Generation
Robbie Gorr looks at the necessity of interviewing senior family members

Finding Hidden Fathers
Ed Storey looks at English records that may help you to locate a missing father in your tree

Piecing Together the Puzzles of Personality
Sue Lisk looks for the clues that will help us piece together an ancestor’s personality

“Shhhh! I’ll Let You In On a Secret:
Our Female Ancestors Are Found in Ledgers” — Part 2, by Diane L. Richard

Letters Corresponding to Genealogy
Joe Grandinetti says letters home by Irish emigrants have unique relevance to genealogy

Us and Them
Stephen L. W. Greene looks at why it’s important to go beyond the bounds of your own family when doing genealogy research

Your Ancestors Come to Life!
Melody Amsel-Arieli gets into Deep Nostalgia, the animation technology from MyHeritage that can seemingly bring family photos to life

The Back Page: Do You Have a Disaster Plan?
Dave Obee reminds us why we should be prepared for catastrophic events

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