This Week’s Online Genealogy Events

Choose from selected free online events in the next five days. All times are ET except as noted. Assume registration in advance is required; check so you’re not disappointed. Find out about many more, mainly US events at Conference Keeper.

Tuesday, 20 August

1 pm: New Historical Records on MyHeritage. by Mike Mansfield and Myko Clelland for MyHeritage.

2 pm: Ottawa Virtual Genealogy Drop-In for Ottawa Branch OGS.

2:30 pm: Preservation and Conservation of Family Photographs and Documents, by Colleen Pepper for the Genealogy Center at Allen County Public Library.

8 pm: He Had a Brother Who Disappeared: Finding John H. Hickey, Formerly of Rockton, Winnebago County, Illinois, by Debbie Mieszala for BCG and Legacy Family Tree Webinars.

Wednesday, 21 August

2 pm: Who Hid the Body? Finding Your Ancestor’s Place of Burial by Elizabeth Williams Gomoll for Legacy Family Tree Webinars.

Thursday, 22 August

6:30 pm: Hidden Treasures in Ohio’s Court of Common Pleas, by Tom Neel for the Genealogy Center at Allen County Public Library.

7 pm: Researching Religious Repositories, by Dez Nacario for OGS Elgin Branch.

Friday, 23 August

8 am: The Famous, the Infamous, and the Ludicrous – UK Census Records, by Nadine Licence for Shoe Lane Library, City of London Libraries.

Saturday, 24 August

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