The “Aberdeenshire, Scotland, Burial Registers, 1769-1983” collection contains 370,539 records spanning over two centuries.
Information may include name, age, death date, spouse, parents, occupation, and address. Find burial registers and lair (burial plot) sales papers.
The following places cemeteries and churchyards across Aberdeenshire are included:
Allenvale, Cairmie, Drumblade, Essie, Fettercairn , Fordoun, Forgue , Gartly, Glass, Grove, John Knox(?), Marykirk, Nellfield, Nigg, Old Machar (?), Rhynie , Ruthven, St Clement’s, St Nicholas, Sat Peter’s, Trinity, Ythanwells.
Original records are held by Aberdeen City Council.
DeceasedOnline has a selection of Aberdeenshire burials. Start at