Major Announcements at RootsTech
Being away meant I missed the announcements. So I asked the AI app Perplexity.
At RootsTech 2025, several major announcements were made:
- AncestryDNA “Matches by Cluster” Feature: A new tool for visualizing DNA matches connected to a common ancestor, available later this year for Pro Tools users1.
- AncestryDNA Feature to Attach DNA Matches’ Lines to Your Tree: An expanded feature allowing users to add DNA matches’ lineages to their family trees1.
- FamilySearch’s New Catalog: Updates to the catalog include improved place standardization and digitized images1.
- Ancestry Networks: A beta feature for creating networks of friends, family, and associates within Ancestry trees15.
- MyHeritage CousinFinder: A tool using SmartMatch technology to find cousins without DNA testing1.
- FamilySearch Together App: An app for families to share stories and memories privately1.
- Mitotree by FamilyTreeDNA: A new mitochondrial DNA tool for genealogical research4.
How many would see the FamilySearch new catalog as the highlight? It’s my top priority amongst them to explore when I return.