MyHeritage Names & Stories in Newspapers from for Canada and the UK

Canada, Names & Stories in Newspapers from has 382,759,442 entries. United Kingdom, Names & Stories in Newspapers from has 44,766,610.

These collections contain records of names, events, and stories extracted from newspaper articles using advanced AI technology developed by MyHeritage.
Records typically include the name of the individuals mentioned, the relationships between the individuals, the newspaper name, the publication place and date, and a snippet of text from the newspaper containing the reference. Records may include events such as birth and marriage announcements, obituaries, public achievements, business events, and more. Records often include additional details such as residence, occupation, and associated locations or institutions. Every record includes a useful summary of the article, generated automatically by AI.

Whereas the Canadian coverage is for various regional papers, most, if not all, of the UK entries are from the London, Edinburgh and Belfast Gazette.

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