Financial Health of Canadian Genealogical Societies 2023 – update

This is an update to the post Financial Health of Canadian Genealogical Societies 2023 to incorporate the three societies whose financial results were unavailable then. The amounts are for the reporting and two preceding years.

Alberta Genealogical Society

For the reporting period ending 2023-12-31, total assets of $284,133 ($1,041,398, $590,395) and liabilities of $14,952 ($212,232, $175,854.) The total revenue was $103,689 ($614,488, $188,456.) Expenditures totalled $57,130 ($199,863, $183,798). The individual annual membership fee remains $50 for digital journal subscription. 

Genealogical Association of Nova Scotia

For the reporting period ending 2023-12-31, total assets were $273,107 ($280,554, 277,896) and liabilities $76,541 ($75,206, $48,520.) The total revenue was $57,910  ($75,204, $66,629.) Expenditures totalled $72,603 ($66,232, $65,885.) The individual annual new membership fee is $59.

Saskatchewan Genealogical Society

For the reporting period ending 2023-12-31, total assets were $151,851 ($220,754, $232,273), liabilities (33,104, $116,355, $117,868), total revenues $240,136, ($222,338, $240,443), and total expenditures $225,788, ($232,345, $227,656). Individual basic annual membership remains $70.

Of the 13 societies surveyed, eight were in a surplus position for the year, and five were in deficit.


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