This Week’s Online Genealogy Events

Choose from selected free online events in the next five days.
All times are ET except as noted. Assume registration in advance is required; check so you’re not disappointed. Find out about many more, mainly US events, at Conference Keeper.

Tuesday, 17 September

2 pm: Ottawa Virtual Genealogy Drop-in, for OGS Ottawa Branch.

2:30 pm: Pioneers and Pedigrees: Early Western New York Research, by Kaitlyn Pauley for Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center.

8 pm: A Myriad of Slave Databases, by LaBrenda Garrett-Nelson for Legacy Family Tree Webinars.

Wednesday, 18 September

2 pm: Practical chromosome mapping: gaining insights from segments of DNA, by Jonny Perl for Legacy Family Tree Webinars. Recommended.

7 pm: Childhood Interrupted: A Child Migrant’s Journey as told by her daughter, Kathryn Adams (Rescheduled)

7 pm: A History of the Orillia Opera House, by Chris Decker for the Orillia Museum of Art and History.

Thursday, 19 September

6:30 pm: Unlocking Paternal Ancestry Through Y-DNA tests, by Scott Tribble for Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center.

7 pm: Trace Your French-Canadian Ancestors to France and Find Records, by Jean-Yves Vanier-Verbeek for OGS Sault Ste Marie & District of Algoma Branch.

Friday, 20 September

Webtember presentations from Legacy Family Tree Webinars.

10:15 am: The Real Life of New England Vital Records, by Diane MacLean Boumenot
11:30 am: Broken Branches: How to Detect Cases of Misattributed Parentage in Your Family Tree,  by Paul Woodbury.
12:45 pm: Using the Hudson Bay Company Records for Genealogy Research, by Tara Shymanski.
2:00 pm: Researching in Jalisco, by Lisa Medina
3:30 pm: 5 Ways to Make the Most of Photo Tools, by Maureen Taylor

Saturday, 21 September

10 am: Researching Indigenous Ancestors in Ontario, by Jenna Lemay for OGS Kingston Branch.



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