Miscellaneous items I found of interest during the week.
Here’s what I wasn’t able to play fully on Saturday.
Here’s the full video of the 1943 year-end storm in Ottawa that got cut short.
The current state of historical societies in Canada
How alike are genealogical and historical societies? I wondered whether the working paper from this project, which aims to build connections between 14 different groups interested in history, professional historians from universities, and community groups, including those from various regions of Canada and both English and French speakers, might offer some insight.
The document describes the purpose and scope of the survey, outlines the report’s structure, and provides some general observations about each historical societies’ roles and challenges. There’s a lack of analysis, that may be why this is termed a working paper rather than a report. Worth watching.
Attention Span Decreasing? Can You Spare 10 Minutes?
All About That Place is a free annual UK event running from Friday, 27 September, to Sunday, 6 October. It includes 140 short (10-minute) talks on various topics. Organised by the Society of Genealogists, the Society for One Place Studies, the British Association for Local History, and Genealogy Stories, this diverse collection will surely interest those with British heritage. https://www.sog.org.uk/all-about-that-place-2024/
Thanks to this week’s contributors: Anonymous, Brenda Turner, gail benjafield, Gail Roger, Glenn W., Ken McKinlay, Lolly Fullerton, Maureen Guay, Nancy Cutway, Patte Wood, Sam Silvey, Teresa, Unknown.

Great video. How many feet/inches did we get. I was a young lad on̈ our farm near Perth in 43 but don’t recall this one.
Thanks for a replay of the video. Not the first ice storm and certainly there was one thereafter. Differences between the two was a worthwhile thought process!