This Week’s Online Genealogy Events

Choose from selected free online events in the next five days.
All times are ET except as noted. Assume registration in advance is required; check so you’re not disappointed. Find out about many more, mainly US events, at Conference Keeper.

Tuesday, 10 September

2:30 pm: A Case Study: Combining FAN Club Research and DNA to Break Through Brick Walls, by Alicia Lowry for Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center.

7 pm: The Detroit Shoemaker, by Barbara Reaume Sandre for OGS Essex Branch.

7 pm: Childhood Interrupted: A Child Migrant’s Journey, by her daughter Kathryn Adams for OGS Lambton County Branch

Wednesday, 11 September

6:30 pm: AGM Annual General Meeting for the Lakeshore Genealogical Society followed by an open session for participants who would like to share their Discoveries and/or Challenges over the past year.

8 pm: AI and Family History: Extending Beyond the Basics, by Andrew Redfern for Legacy Family Tree Webinars.

AI and Family History: Extending Beyond the Basics

Thursday, 12 September

6:30 pm: Hidden Treasures: Unleashing the Full Potential of
FamilySearch’s Catalog, by Jamie Lee McManus Mayhew for Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center.

7 pm: Really and Truly The Father, by Linda Corupe for OGS Perth & Elgin Branches.

Friday, 13 September

Webtember presentations from Legacy Family Tree Webinars.

10:15 am: Luff In The Devon Cottages: Exploring A One-Place Study, by Kirsty Gray
11:30 am: The Neighbors Knew: Strategies for Finding YOUR Ancestral Details in THEIR Records. by Paula Stuart-Warren
12:45 pm: Translating German Newspapers – As Easy as Eins, Zwei, Drei, by Mary Kircher Roddy,
2:00 pm: Finding John Lee: The Saga Continues, by Nicka Smith
3:30 pm: Explore Millions of Norwegian Historical Records, by Vidar Øverlie

Saturday, 14 September

9 am: Middlemore Children: In Their Own Words, by Patricia Roberts-Pichette and Glenn Wright for BIFHSGO.

10:15 am: Exciting Cause: an investigation into women confined in the 1890s to the Kingston Asylum for the Insane (Rockwood) in Kingston, by Laurie Fyffe for BIFHSGO.

1 pm: ‘Twas a Dark and Stormy Night: Connecting Weather and Personal Histories, by John D Reid for OGS Ottawa Branch.




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