This Week’s Online Genealogy Events

Choose from selected free online events in the next five days. 

All times are ET except as noted. Assume registration in advance is required; check so you’re not disappointed. Find out about many more, mainly US events, at Conference Keeper.

Tuesday, 3 September

2 pm: Ottawa Virtual Genealogy Drop-In from OGS Ottawa Branch.

7:30 pm: All Kinds of Loyalists, by Kathryn Lake Hogan for OGS Durham Branch.

10 pm: Efficient Genealogy: Streamline Your Research with TextExpander, by Christine E. Neumann for Legacy Family Tree Webinars.

Wednesday, 4 September

2 pm: Prepping for and Researching at the FamilySearch Library, by Lynn Turner for Legacy Family Tree Webinars.

7 pm: Huron County Encounters with Natural Disasters, by David Yates for OGS Huron Branch.

Thursday, 5 September

7 pm: A Genealogy Toolbox for Researching Ancestors in Ontario, by Ken McKinlay for OGS.

Friday, 6 September

Webtember presentations from Legacy Family Tree Webinars.

10:15 am:  Six Ways to Figure Out How We’re Related, by Roberta Estes
11:30 am: Elizabeth Matson – the wife of Timothy Mather ,born 1711 ,or Timothy Mather , born 1747? by Bryna O’Sullivan
12:45 pm: 10 Things You Don’t Know About Cemeteries, by Gena Philibert-Ortega.
2 pm: Researching Your Birmingham Ancestors, by Mike Sharpe.
3:30 pm: Bridging Generations: Connecting with Living Relatives Through MyHeritage, by Lisa Lisson.

Saturday, 7 September

This is a reminder about the Scottish Indexers conference happening today.

10 am: “I went to the weavers after some carpet:” Weavers and Customers in rural Ontario, 1859 to 1922, by Deborah Livingston-Lowe for OGS London and Middlesex Branch.

2 pm: Pioneering Spirit, by Mike Miles for OGS Simcoe County Branch.

Sunday 8 September – Extra and not online

2 pm: Beechwood Cemetery Annual Historical Tour.


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