Miscellaneous items I found of interest during the week.
“A fool believes the tallest mountain in the world will be equal to the tallest he has observed.”
Nassim Taleb
OneMillionScreenshots: Zoom into the web’s top homepages
Worst Canadians
Here they are, as ranked in a 2007 unscientific poll by The Beaver.
1 Pierre Trudeau
2 Chris Hannah
3 Henry Morgentaler
4 Brian Mulroney
5 Karla Homolka and Paul Bernardo (tied)
6 Stephen Harper
7 Céline Dion
8 Jean Chrétien
9 Clifford Olsen
10 Conrad Black.
Who would you knock off and add to the list in 2024?
AI Joke
Why did the genetic genealogist break up with their
DNA test?
Because the relationship was getting too “allele-gorical”
Rebuilding the Past, Preparing for War
Thanks to this week’s contributors: Anonymous, Brenda Turner, gail benjafield, Ian McKelvie, Nick McDonald, Teresa, Unknown.

How can people put political leaders over murderers?
Weird that people thought PET, Morgentaler and Mulroney were worse than the despicable couple whose name I won’t repeat…definitely some screwed up values there.