Armchair Genealogy Podcast

A British genealogy podcast from Mell Turford. It’s new to me. Each episode is about 30 minutes. . Episodes are:

Brad Argent from Ancestry Studios” TV series chats about DNA and newspaper research
Helen Tovey, editor of the UK’s Family Tree Magazine, chats with the Genealogy Guy
Nick Barratt about his research & work on “Who Do You Think You Are?” TV series
Chat with Ted Udall (from Somerset and Dorset Family History Society )
Paul McNeil hints & working on the ITV series ‘DNA Journey’
Donna Rutherford talks about the basics (101) of DNA
Mark Bayley (of The Genealogist website) talking about their new historic maps facility
Welcome to the Podcast (2 minutes)

One Reply to “Armchair Genealogy Podcast”

  1. Many thanks for the mention, it is very much appreciated. A new episode came out on the 1st July talking about Goldie May which is genealogy research software to accelerate your research, sort out tangles in your family tree, and keep you more organised. It plugs into the Chrome browser

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