LAC Improves Access to Certain Census Schedules

When we speak of the census we’re normally referring to the nominal censuses that list all individuals, one row for each, grouped by household. Early censuses recorded just the head of household.

There are other census components which LAC recently integrated into Census Search.

Schedule B to the 1851 Census
An agricultural census with 56 columns. The first few give the Name of occupier;  Concession or range; Lot or part of lot; Number of acres of land: held by each person or family; Number of acres of land: under cultivation, and so on. That;s followed by details on production of wheat, barley, rye, peas, oats, buckwheat … tobacco … maple sugar … cider … the list continues.

Not all have survived. Most of Carleton County, Canada West, is missing,

Schedules 2–9 to the 1871 Census

Schedule 2: Nominal return of the deaths within last twelve months; includes name, age, sex, cause of death, and more.
3: Return of public institutions, real estate, vehicles and implements: This schedule collected information about public institutions, such as schools and churches, as well as details about real estate and personal property.
4: Return of cultivated land, of field products and of plants and fruits, similar to Schedule B in 1851. Includes data about agricultural production, including the types and quantities of crops grown, livestock raised, and land use.
5: Live stock, animal products and agricultural implements:
6: Return of industrial establishments: This schedule collected data about industrial and manufacturing businesses, including the number of employees, wages paid, and products manufactured.
7: Schedule for general remarks: This schedule provided space for enumerators to record any additional observations or comments about the area or population they enumerated.
8: Return of the produce of the forest: This schedule gathered information about forestry resources and products, such as lumber and firewood.
9: Return of shipping and fisheries: This schedule records the types and quantities of fish caught and vessels used.

Schedule 2 to the 1901 Census
This covers buildings and lands, churches and schools. The 37 columns are grouped under the headings: Reference to Schedule 1; Houses; Institutions; Real estate owned; Real estate leased or otherwise held; Church or place of worship; Sunday school; Public school. Each row ends with columns: Date of visit; The reason, if not enumerated, on first visit; Date when enumerated.

2 Replies to “LAC Improves Access to Certain Census Schedules”

  1. We’re these schedules on the microfilms that you could see at Archives of Ontario or are they ones that we never saw before?

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