Cassini Maps Collections on Ancestry

Ancestry has added two map sets from Cassini Historical Maps.

London, England, Parish Maps, 1860-1880
These 58 maps offer area information.  If you’re tracing an ancestor who was baptized at a specific location, such as All Hallows Staining in the City of London, the extract from the Ordnance Survey 1:1056 mapping, which shows the parish boundaries and significant features in the area ca. 1871, could be invaluable.

UK, Imperial Gazetteer Maps, 1900
A browsable image set of 28 nicely produced colour maps, most for Scotland with some significant locations in England. It may be there’s another shoe to drop.  Ancestry already has “The Imperial Gazetteer of England and Wales, 1872″ online. Perhaps there’s another volume for Scotland. The claim of 7,396 records suggests there’s more to come.

While the maps are useful, other than making them available, Ancestry has presently failed to add value. Producing a  linked table of contents or overview map that would take you directly to an area of interest would be a simple addition.

One Reply to “Cassini Maps Collections on Ancestry”

  1. Thank you for the update John. I cannot emphasise enough the importance of maps in all sorts of historical research

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