Sunday Sundries

Miscellaneous items I found of interest during the week.

All Ireland, Wills and Admons, 1515-1858 just added at Ancestry has 87,055 index records.  Information returned is name, will date, will place, occupation, description and “The Original Documents Referred to in This Index Do Not Exist. No Further Information, Other Than That Recorded Above, Has Survived.”

Legacy Half-off Offer Extended.

Genealogy Quebec Discount
25% off the yearly subscription available from 15 – 20 December.

Friends of the Ottawa Public Library Mammoth Book Sale
Saturday 16 December 2023

Thanks to this week’s contributors: Ann Burns, Anonymous, Basil ADAM, Brenda Turner, Christine Jackson, C Orr, gail benjafield, Kim, Nick Mcdonald, Pat Wood, Teresa, Toni, Unknown. Wayne Shepheard


4 Replies to “Sunday Sundries”

  1. I howled over some of these. Went on to the 40th Blackadder Anniversary Compilation. Howled again! Thanks John, and cheers, BT

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