Is Graham and Emma Maxwell’s Scottish Indexes a must-know resource, even if you don’t research ancestry in Scotland?
Here’s something for everyone: a blog series from last year on genealogy mistakes to avoid. They are: don’t assume anything, not looking at the next page, not looking at a map, ignoring the occupation, and not keeping a research log.
If you do have Scottish roots here’s a shout out to Scottish Indexes Conference XXI on Saturday 9 September 2023. The program is:
10:00 Introduction
10:15 ‘Scottish Tax Records for Genealogy and Local History’ by Robert Urquhart
11:15 ‘People Lie! How to unravel the truth when you are tracing your family history’ by
Emma Maxwell
12:15 ‘Crimes of an Heinous Nature’ by Margaret Fox
13:15 ‘The People of Cross House’ by Kate Keter
14:15 ‘Tracing Your Belfast Ancestors’ by Chris Paton
14:30 Genealogy Q & A hosted by Graham and Emma Maxwell
16:30 ‘“Like All These Country Folks Very Stupid”: Glasgow Highlanders in the Poor
Law Applications’ by Alison Spring
17:30 ‘What’s New on Scottish Indexes’ by Graham Maxwell
Great advice!!! Though I don’t keep a research log as such, rather notes…spreadsheet or paper logs just do NOT work for me, no matter how many times I try.
Sounds like some interesting topics and good advice. I don’t have any spreadsheets but I have lots of notes. My cousin has been sending me some pictures as I had only a couple.
Thanks John
I follow the Scottish Indexes especially their conferences. My research is in Scotland (Campbell clan). Emma and Graham are a wealth of information.