Choose from selected free online events in the next five days. All times are ET except as noted. Assume registration in advance is required; check so you’re not disappointed. Looking for more options? Additional mainly US events are listed at
Tuesday 15 August
6 am: Family History Research at the National Library of Ireland, by Steven Skeldon for the National Library of Ireland.
8 pm: What Happened to Uncle Walter? Evidence Analysis and Correlation Uncover a Man’s Dual Identities by Sharon Hoyt for BCG and Legacy Family Tree Webinars.
Wednesday 16 August
1 pm: The Summer of 1876: Outlaws, Lawmen, and Legends in the Season That Defined the American West, by Chris Wimmer for the National Archives Foundation (US).
2 pm: World War II “Internment Camps” and Mass Incarceration in the U.S., by Linda Harms Okazaki for Legacy Family Tree Webinars.
Thursday 17 August
6:30 pm: After the Fire: Overcoming Record Loss, by Jennifer Roodzant for Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center.
7 pm: The Old Northwest; Researching the Great Lake States, by Maureen Brady for the BYU Family History Library.
Friday 18 August
2 pm: Six Free Websites Every Ontario Genealogist Needs, by Janice Nickerson for Legacy Family Tree Webinars.
Saturday 19 August