Back to Family History

The Back to School ads are appearing as we get closer to September. They serve as a reminder that the pace of genealogy picks up too after the summer lull.

OGS has its annual conference, themed Diversity in Genealogy, from 8 – 10 September. It’s virtual. There’s a good mix of presentations and a workshop from Findmypast to start things off. Find out more at

I expect to be away taking advantage of a reduced number of tourists in Europe to visit sites in my family history. It means I don’t have to make the choice between that and other events that weekend. I’ll miss the September BIFHSGO monthly meeting; fortunately it will be recorded for later viewing by members.

Those are far from the only major events that weekend. There’s the Scottish Indexes XXI Conference, and the American-Canadian Genealogical Society Virtual Fall Conference. The Edmonton Chapter of the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia is offerring a virtual Wall Breaker Conference

I’ll be back in good time for the 2023 BIFHSGO Virtual Conference: Scotland and Migration, being held on 28-29 October. Find out more about that at

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