Montgomeryshire Monumental Inscriptions
7,413 records are added from 16 chapels, churches, and cemeteries in the county. The county total is now 138,429 records from 76 places, 29 of which have the initial letter L. Dates range from 1286 to 2019. The records are transcriptions by the Mongomeryshire Genealogical Society containing background information on the cemetery.
Middlesex Monumental Inscriptions
This update is 6,233 additions from Hounslow Cemetery between the years 1839 and 2022. There are both transcriptions and images in this Middlesex MI collection, totalling 77,100 entries,
Essex Baptisms
122,464 additional transcriptions, ranging from 1638 to 1922 from 154 churches across the county, from Abberton to Writtle, All Saints, make the total collection 2,955,525 entries. Information includes father’s name and occupation, mother’s first name and residence.