Miscellaneous items I found of interest during the week.
This is vastly more entertaining than it sounds
The embedded video on the London Underground and its iconic map, from a blog post by Persephone, is sure to amuse.
Today is Statute of Westminster Day
Virtual Tour of Juno Beach & Bunkers
Free. You’re invited to discover Juno Beach and the remains
of the Atlantic wall from the comfort of your own home
with the JBC’s new virtual tour!
‘The most chaste and correct specimen of its style in the kingdom’: Joseph Bonomi the Elder (1739 – 1808) and Rosneath House’
A scheduled presentation from The Friends of the Argyll Papers ($).
Ancestry has updated their UK and Ireland, Newspapers.com Marriage Index, 1800s-current to 6,676,265 records, and
Canada, Newspapers.com Marriage Index, 1800s-current to 8,424,860 records.
Canada’s journalism community urges fix to federal freedom-of-information system
I spy with my little eye.
If you’ve had a cataract operation, this is one you may enjoy — another by Persephone.
Thanks to this week’s contributors: Anonymous, Bruce Murduck, Christine Jackson, Dena Palamedes, Gail B., Paul Milner, Persephone, Teresa, Unknown.
How Canada is Helping Ukraine (loud)