Internet Genealogy: October- November 2022

Congratulations to  publisher & editor Ed Zapletal, associate publisher Rick Cree and staff on the 100th issue of Internet Genealogy.

There’s another 100 in this issue, 100 years, two articles on the follow-on to the 1922 fire and explosion at the Public Record Office of Ireland.

Tall Tales and Legends
Sue Lisk turns to websites when trying to understand ancestral legends, and ways to separate the fact from the fiction. She makes mention of a fire and murder in Shawville recounted to students during an oral history project in the 1970s.

Surviving Irish Records
Michelle Dennis looks at records that survived the 1922 fire and explosion at the Public Record Office of Ireland.

The Launch of Beyond 2022
Joe Grandinetti checks back in to give an update on the Beyond 2022 Project – the Virtual Record Treasury of Ireland website.

More Ways of Transforming Ancestral Photographs
Lisa A. Alzo offers more suggestions and investigates use of Al Art Generators and Animations.
Lisa commented “I discovered an unexpected benefit to my work. I discovered the emotional bonds with deceased loved ones I had known were refreshed.”

Avoiding the Perils of Assumption
Robbie Gorr reminds us that we should avoid assumptions and strive for accuracy in our research.

Let’s Explore State-Specific Encyclopedias
Diane L. Richard looks at State-specific
encyclopedias and what they have to offer.

What’s in a Name?
Stephen L.W. Greene takes us on a journey to understand the “hows” and “whys” of naming conventions.

Starting with Stone Soup
Sue Lisk looks at ideas for crafting your ancestor’s story.

Saloon Ancestors
David A. Norris investigates Tapsters, Saloonkeepers and Bartenders who you might come across in your research

Pietro Lima: Prisoner of War #224
Marianne Perry tries to shed some light on her Italian grandfather’s arrest as an “enemy alien” in Toronto in 1940

Digging Up Cemetery Records on FamilySearch
Karen L. Newman says that searching to the end of the microfilm roll is a must for successful research.
That’s true for Canadian microfilms too.

Back Page
Dave Obee on Reflections and Projections on Genealogy.
If you found everything and more in the past decade that you found in the previous three, should you have waited?

One Reply to “Internet Genealogy: October- November 2022”

  1. Interesting about the Italian grandfather’s arrest in Toronto. I had a chum years back, a neighbour whose father was arrested on a Quebec airbase, where he had happily been working for years. He was kept in prison in Old Fort Henry, In Kingston Ontario until after the war. He was German. Cheers, BT

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