mtDNA Matches

Here are counts year-by-year of my mtDNA full scan matches. I’m mtDNA Haplogroup H, the most common in the UK. To be precise, it’s H1bb

The peak from 2016 to 2018 matches that for Y-DNA tests. Data for 2022 is to 10 September.

My six exact matches were in 2022, 2021, 2019, 2017, 2014 and 2010. Partial matches, with mismatches at 1,2 and 3 bases, were in all years reported.

As with Y-DNA, FTDNA can alert you to significant mtDNA matches.

British Union History

The Modern Records Centre at the University of Warwick announced the milestone of 100,000 pages of trade union journals digitised and made available online for free.

  • Agricultural workers (The Labourer, 1915-18, and The Land Worker, 1915-1950)
  • Railway workers (Railway Review, 1880-1892, 1907-1920, The Railway Express, 1890-1892; Railway Herald, 1896-1901, and The Railway Clerk, 1904, 1908-1918)
  • Merchant seamen (The Seaman, 1908, 1912-1946, and The International Seafarer, 1923-1930)
  • Travelling sales reps (On The Road, 1883-1920)
  • Postal workers (Postman’s Gazette, 1895-1918, and The Postal Mentor, 1902)
  • Local government employees (The Municipal Officer, 1911-20, and Public Employees Journal, 1929-1936)
  • Dockers (The Dockers Record, 1901-1914)
  • Boot and shoemakers (Monthly Reports, 1877-1886)
  • Asylum workers (NAWU Magazine, 1912-1929, and The Asylum News, 1906)
  • Printers (The Printer, 1843-1845, and Typographical Circular, 1874-1879)
  • Health service employees (Health Services Journal, 1946-1950)
  • Poor Law officials (Poor Law Gazette, 1923-1930)
  • Clerical staff (The Clerk, 1908-1912, 1916-1931, 1938-1939)
  • Scottish building and monumental workers (The Building and Monumental Workers’ Trade Journal, 1924-1935, 1939-1941)
  • Warehouse workers and co-op employees (New Dawn, 1921-1922, 1924-1928)
  • Foundry workers (Monthly Report and Journal, 1920-1923)
  • Clothiers (Clothiers Operatives’ Monthly Gazette, 1898-1900)
  • Transport and general workers (The Record, 1921-1931)
  • Engineering and shipbuilding draughtsmen (The Draughtsman, 1918-1920)
  • The Labour Prophet (1892-1897)
  • Firefighter (1932-2001)
  • local labour publications for York (1904-1906), Carlisle (1908-1910) and the Clyde (1916).

It’s page images that are available, they are not full text searchable. It’s worth a browse if you know someone of interest was associated with one of the trades covered.

Search with Name/Initial Variants

Take a name and optional keywords and generate a set of name variants (for “John Paul Smith” you’d get John Smith, Smith John Paul, JP Smith, etc) and build search URLs for Google, Google Books, Google Scholar, and Internet Archive.

That’s the facilityTara Calishain, proprietor of ResearchBuzz, has built. She calls it  Carl’s Name Net in honour of one of her Patreon supporters.

I found some oddball hits new to me among many that were the “wrong” person. Worth a try!

Philemon Wright and his Town

The Historical Society of Ottawa presents live and in person, on Wednesday, 14 September at 1 pm in the Ottawa Public Library, Main Branch Auditorium.

Philemon Wright and his Town, by Rick Henderson.

Wright carved a settlement from the Ottawa Valley wilderness over two centuries ago. His was a saga emblematic of the beginnings of Canada’s industrial development.

Rick Henderson is author of Walking in the Footsteps of Philemon Wright, and Capital Chronicles blog; great-great-great-great-grandson of Philemon Wright

All are welcome to attend without charge.,17,19,21/philemon-wright-and-his-town

This week’s online genealogy events

Choose from free online events in the next five days. All times are ET except as noted. Those in red are Canadian, bolded if local to Ottawa or recommended. Assume registration in advance is required; check so you’re not disappointed.

Tuesday 13 September, 1 pm: Sources of Free English and Welsh genealogy; Online Presentation, by Fraser Dunford for OGS Kawartha Branch and Curve Lake First Nation Cultural Centre. To register call 705-657-275, OR EMAIL: Tracey at

Tuesday 13 September, 2:30 pm: Family Stories: How to Assist Family in Telling Their Stories, by Allison DePrey Singleton for Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center.

Wednesday 14 September, 7 pm: A Genealogist’s Holiday: The 1950 Census, by Allison DePrey Singleton for Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center.

Thursday 15 September 7 pm: One Room School Houses of Lambton County, Ed Dejong for Lambton County Branch OGS.

Friday 16 September 11:30 am: Using Google Books to Find the Law, by Judy Russell for Legacy Family Tree Webinars – Webtember.

Friday 16 September 12:45 pm: The Pros and Cons of Collaboration on, by E. Randol Schoenberg for Legacy Family Tree Webinars – Webtember.

Friday 16 September 7 pm: Is there a Loyalist in your family tree, by Janet Hodgkins for Niagara Peninsula Branch OGS

Saturday 17 September, 10 am: The Rural Diary Archive – Transcribing Daily Life in Eastern Ontario, by Catherine Wilson for Kingston Branch OGS.

Saturday 17 September, 1 pm: Genealogy As A Historical Tool: The Case Of The Minnie Bell, by Paul Harrison for Ottawa Branch OGS.

Saturday 17 September, 1 pm: All the Daniels, by John and Mary Lou Walker for Quinte Branch OGS.



Military Monday: WW2 Repatriation to Canada

As the Second World War drew to a close in Europe, the focus shifted to the repatriation of service personnel to Canada. Is there someone in your family tree who served overseas during the War? Were they among the early, middle or late cohort of returnees? 

Nearly 300,000 members of Canada’s military were anxious to put the war behind them, return home and get on with their lives. In addition, Canada would be welcoming 63,000 dependent wives and children. Except for a small number who took their discharge in the United Kingdom, most service men and women had no interest in extending their absence from home. Repatriation promptly was, however, an enormous challenge. The United States, Australia and New Zealand were equally anxious for their personnel to return home, which depended on the ships’ availability.

The bar chart above, based on the document  “The Repatriation of the Canadian Military Forces Overseas, 1945-1947,” shows that returning personnel as soon as possible after VE Day was a priority. The government was only too aware of the post-war riots in England in 1918-1919, fueled partly by soldiers frustrated at the slow and seemingly disorganized repatriation plans. In 1945, Canadian service men and women wanted nothing more than to get home, see family, settle down, find employment and enjoy the peace.

The document linked above lists the ships used for
repatriation from June 1945 to February 1946.
“Pasteur” carried 19,843,
“Scythia” 8,948
“Samaria” 4,629,
“Duchess of Bedford” 6,567,
“Cameronia” 6,628,
“Empress of Scotland” 6,711,
“Mauretania” 10,234,
“Queen Mary” (1 trip) 6,157,
“Queen Elizabeth” (7 trips from October 1945 to February 1946) 71,912,
“Nieu Amsterdam” (3 trips) 19,755.
The following made one trip each:
“Duchess of Richmond,” “Britannic,” “Monarch of Bermuda” and “Georgie.”
“lIe de France was kept in Canadian service from July 1945 to June 1946 – carrying 57,205 in 9 trips.
“Aquitania,” after making one trip in June 1945, was taken off to return in January 1946 and up to March 1947, taking to Canada 19,607 army personnel.

The Directorate of Movements (Department of National Defence) created a file for every voyage. A finding aid, searchable by the ship’s name, is available on Collections Search, LAC. Many of these records, now digitized and available on Heritage, Canadiana, contain passenger lists but are not name searchable. See the post Military Monday: Crossing the Atlantic WW2 for further details.

Thanks to Glenn Wright for bringing this source to my attention and for editorial comments.


Y-DNA Matches

There was a time when I browsed the Family Tree DNA website frequently to look for new Y-DNA matches. More recently, that hasn’t seemed like a good use of my time.

Here’s what I found on a recent visit.

I have 6,301 Y-DNA matches of all types.  FTDNA reports 30 for 25 markers, 16 for 37, 15 for 67 and 5 for 111 markers.  The bar chart shows the year the 12-marker match was tested, most between 2015 and 2018. 2022 is to 10 September. They still trickle in but Y-DNA tests are now less popular.

Of the 6,301 matches, 23 have the last name Reid; 25 names have more 12 marker matches than Reid. Some are common names like Smith and Brown, others are likely ones where multiple testing was done to resolve an issue or within a DNA surname project.

I only have 25 marker matches for five surnames, Eaton, Elliott, Moore, Reid and Wilson, and only one match each for those except Reid.

My Reid matches are robust; 2 are still matches at 111 markers. One of my other five 111 marker matches not named Reid indicates Reid ancestry. That gives me confidence in the continuinty of my Reid surname through the generations. 

My most recent 111 marker match was in October 2020. For significant matches like that FTDNA can email an alert. 

Sunday Sundries

Miscellaneous items I found of interest during the week.

Doing housework could cut your risk of developing dementia
Be kind to your spouse, and let them know you’d like to help them avoid dementia. That’s according to the World Economic Forum. It’s activity, not specifically housework, that cuts the risk.

Gander International Airport

“There is a growing tendency among Canadians to scapegoat “our colonial past” and heap our sins on the British. It’s absurd. Who interred Japanese Canadians? Who ran the residential schools? Who broke one treaty after another? Not the British. Not some dead monarch. Canadians.”
Dan Gardner

Derry City Cemetery Records Project

Carbon Bombs
The article Why defusing ‘carbon bombs’ offers a promising new agenda for tackling climate change links to a list of 425 worldwide Carbon Bomb, a fossil fuel extraction projects that can cause over a gigatonne of CO₂ emissions during its lifetime.

Here are the top ten worldwide:

Development Country GtCO2 Type
Permian Delaware Tight USA 27.8 Oil&Gas
Marcellus Shale USA 26.7 Oil&Gas
Ghawar Uthmaniyah Saudi Arabia 19.2 Oil&Gas
Permian Midland Tight USA 16.6 Oil&Gas
Tavan Tolgoi Coal Mine Mongolia 16 Coal
Montney Play Canada 13.7 Oil&Gas
Haynesville/Bossier Shale USA 13.2 Oil&Gas
Safaniya Saudi Arabia 11.9 Oil&Gas
*North Field Qatar 11.6 Oil&Gas
Bovanenkovo Zone (Yamal Megaproject) Russia 11.2 Oil&Gas

Here are all the Canadian projects on the list.

Project Prov GtCO2 Type
Montney Play Alta 13.7 Oil&Gas
Murray River Coal Mine BC 8.5 Coal
Spirit River (Notikewin, Falher, Wilrich) Alta 3 Oil&Gas
Gething Coal Mine BC 2.1 Coal
Horizon Oil Sands Project Alta 2 Oil&Gas
Kearl Alta 1.9 Oil&Gas
Duvernay Alta 1.9 Oil&Gas
Athabasca Oil Sands Project Alta 1.4 Oil&Gas
Christina Lake Alta 1.2 Oil&Gas
Liard Shale BC 1.2 Oil&Gas
Syncrude Mildred Lake/Aurora Alta 1.2 Oil&Gas
Fording River BC 1 Coal

The two top projects account for over half the Canadian ten project total.

Thanks to this week’s contributors: Anonymous, Basil Adam, Brenda Turner, Jean Milne, Leslie Anderson, Teresa, and Unknown.


Updates to Canadiana Heritage

Find 11 new digital microfilms in the Canadiana Heritage collection so far this month, notwithstanding the dates indicated! As the titles are not greatly informative look for explanatory pages at the start of each microfilm.

Title Publication Date Identifier URL (if online) Date updated
Department of Indian Affairs, Headquarters central registry system : thousand series 1917-1955 C-14806 2022-09-08
Western Land Grants 1906 C-6132 2022-09-09
Western Land Grants 1908 C-6178 2022-09-10
Despatches received [by the Lieutenant Governor’s Office of Prince Edward Island] 1813-1873 H-941 2022-09-11
Despatches received [by the Lieutenant Governor’s Office of Prince Edward Island] 1815-1848 H-942 2022-09-12
Despatches received [by the Lieutenant Governor’s Office of Prince Edward Island] 1848-1868 H-943 2022-09-13
Fisheries Branch Registry files 1889-1914 T-3191 2022-09-14
Central registry subject files created by the Dominion Lands Branch 1879-1954 T-12326 2022-09-15
Central registry subject files created by the Dominion Lands Branch 1880-1945 T-12542 2022-09-16
Central registry subject files created by the Dominion Lands Branch 1883-1948 T-12561 2022-09-17
Nominal rolls and paylists for the Volunteer Militia 1855-1914 1870-1914 T-16711 2022-09-18

Findmypast Weekly Update

Derbyshire Baptisms
Just over 8,700 new transcription baptism records from 1768 to 1921 are added for the parishes of Alfreton, Ashbourne, Melbourne, Hognaston, Yeaveley, and Longnor.

Durham Marriages
There are 18,700 additions this week from 1696 to 1934 for

South Shields Holy Trinity
Durham St. Giles
Durham St. Margaret
Durham St. Oswald
Coldstream Church of Scotland

These are mainly transcription records from Northumberland & Durham Family History Society; some entries in the complete collection have linked images.

Northamptonshire Burials
This update of nearly 60,000 records, from 1538 to 1813 brings the total Northamptonshire burial collection to 542,047 records.

Theupdates are for 86 churches and chapels across the county based on registers deposited at the Northamptonshire Record Office and transcribed by the Northamptonshire Family History.

Opening hours changed at Ottawa Family History Centre

According to Jean Brown, the Centre Director

“Wednesday hours will remain the same (9:30 am – 3:30 pm), but on Thursday, the Centre will be open 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm and 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm. There have been several requests to have an evening shift, but I had waited until now when people are getting back into a more familiar schedule.”