Miscellaneous items I found of interest during the week.
Some tombstones appear photoshopped, one I recognize from Montreal.
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The Jessica Simulation: Love and loss in the age of A.I.
New Zealand BMDs.
This week MyHeritage added Indexes for Births (1840-1901) with 2,037,711 records, Marriage & Divorce (1840-1901) with 271,768 records and Deaths (1840-2021) with 2,430,610 records.
Ancestry updated the UK and Ireland, Outward Passenger Lists, 1890-1960 collection.
During August, Ancestry will add 823,498 records with 52,063 images for Cardiff, Wales, Workhouse Registers, 1850-1919.
Thanks to this week’s contributors: Ann Gillin Lefever, Anonymous, Gloria Tubman, Judith H., Teresa, Unknown, Vicky Smith.
Interesting about Franco, John. We must note that the winners write the history. Cheers, BT
John, I was most interested in the headstones. One winter some years ago, being in Key West, Florida, and a budding family historian, I went to visit the cemetery there. I saw headstones much like those in the video. But I also saw stones which said things like : A Lifelong Fan of Julio Inglases, and I’m JUST Resting My Eyes. Cheers, BT
important article by The Conversation. As are most because of the source. This conversation about historical information, well documented, Thanks for posting it, John.
I thoroughly enjoyed the tombstone video. Some of them are real gems especially the one that said: “All dressed up and no place to go”. Ha! Ha!