A few days ago Ancestry announced they would be adding 374,498 London parish baptism and marriage records with 26,033 images in May
Jumping the gun London, England, Church of England Marriages and Banns, 1754-1936 was updated on 29 April to contain 13,530,740 records. There’s a name search and the ability to browse records by the parish.
How many records have been added for marriages and banns? For which parishes and time periods? It’s not specified but must be substantial and likely for later years.
You may find two entries one for banns, the other to the marriage. For one of my ancestral marriages, the index showed the banns being read well after the marriage – a transcription error. Fortunately, the indexes are linked to images so the conflict was easy to resolve.
I’m curious to see if I can find new records…wish Ancestry would specify the parishes the way FMP does.