If you’re reading this late at night and would like to sleep soundly you’d be well advised to stop—if you’re liable to have nightmares. Come back in the morning.
DIGGINGUP1800: DISSECTING THE CRIMINAL UNDERWORLD OF BRITAINS BODY SNATCHERS is a website by Suzie Lennox. To start she recommends two of her favourite posts Stealing a Cadaver and Making a Killing.
There’s also a YouTube video Raiders of the Grave: Macabre tales of Bodysnatchers & what churches did to stop them. The presentation starts at 17:10.
A post on the site Oakum Picking In A Victorian Prison is of relevance for my family history. I used an image from that, others could be too gruesome.
I love this! I wrote a somewhat off-the-wall historical romance about an anatomist who was trafficking with the body snatchers… It was gruesome researching.